How can I make one million dollars in 5 years?

Solve the geometry problem!
If you want to make a million dollars, then figure out the pace at which you have to make that money.
A million dollars in five years breaks down like this:
$1,000,000/5yrs = $200,000/yr
$200,000/yr/365days = $548/day
$548/day/8hrs of work = $69/hr over an 8hr day
Now, this counts EVERY day, no weekends. Does that sound impossible? It isn’t if we break the $548 down another way.

If we de-couple work and earnings, by having products, the equation gets much more doable.
$548/24hrs = $23/hr over a 24 hour period. That’s slightly more doable. That’s selling:
One $25 product per hour.
Two $12 products per hour.
Five $5 products per hour.
One $50 product every other hour.
One $100 product every fourth hour.

We can see, using the above math, that a handful of products, at each price point, can change the equation substantially.
“Yeah, Brendon, we can see you’re a math & money genius, but who do I sell these products to?”
Pretty simple: Find groups of people online who have problems and are looking for solutions. Understand how what you’re selling is going to solve problems for these people.

Now start solving problems for them FOR FREE.

No, really.
Give them a free solution. Then after, ask if they’d like to check out your other solutions. If so, they can give you their email.
Now, you’re growing a built-in list of people to sell to.
Get a list of 200,000 people and sell each of them something for $5. BANG, you just made $1,000,000.
Now make some combination of sales to that list given your range of products & services over a five year period to equal $1M. Now you’ve made $1M.