What is it that nobody tells you about adult life?

I am sharing 46 things that nobody tells you about adult life. I got them from all over the internet to keep them at one place.
  1. Nobody tells you that you will have to pretend that you are doing really fine
  2. Nobody tells you that adult life is challenging but worth living
  3. Nobody tells you that adult life is too much expensive
  4. Nobody tells you that you cannot change anyone
  5. Nobody tells you that getting love back is hard, if not impossible
  6. Corporate life is shallow
  7. Nobody tells you that trust nobody here
  8. Nobody tells us how to recognize monsters in shape of humans
  9. Nobody tells you that you are the only one who cares of you
  10. Nobody tells you that money matters above all
  11. Nobody tells you that you can live without girls at your teen age
  12. Nobody tells you that you are a lone wolf and your life's purpose is to survive and strive for more
  13. Nobody tells you that maturity is not all about too much seriousness
  14. Nobody tells you that you will have to schedule your own appointments.
  15. Nobody tells you that you will be sick and your mom wouldn't be there for you
  16. Nobody tells you that you would not be able to punch somebody so hard for annoying you
  17. Nobody tells you
  18. Bills, bills sucks, nobody tells you that
  19. Nobody tells you that your own body would not like you anymore and will reject you and you will have to buy stupid expensive medicines
  20. Nobody tells you that 10:30pm would be considered late night
  21. Nobody tells you that you will face uncontrollable aches and pain
  22. Nobody tells you that making life decisions is tough job
  23. Nobody tells you that you will need 40 years of experiences in corporate when you are just 23 years old
  24. Nobody tells you that it sucks when you watch other people of your age having kids and wife
  25. Nobody tells you that you will have to vote for 1 as*holes from total of 2 or 3 as*holes
  26. Nobody tells you that you will have to eat food you don't like because you paid for it
  27. Nobody tells you that you have to give value to societal expectations
  28. Budgeting sucks, nobody tells you that
  29. Nobody tells you that you will have to be stay nice to as*holes
  30. Nobody tells you that you will be tired all the time
  31. Nobody tells you that accepting reality is hard
  32. Nobody tells you that cheese is fu*king expensive
  33. Nobody tells you that everyone does cocaine
  34. Nobody tells you that even your bestest friends turns into your worst enemy
  35. Nobody tells you that wearing mask is more important than wearing clothes
  36. Nobody tells you that big companies treat you like a garbage bag, all they care is money
  37. Nobody tells you that life is hard after finishing your college/university degree
  38. Nobody tells you that life will end one day
  39. Nobody tells you that not all mothers love their kids (very very very rare, but true)
  40. Nobody tells you that women desire sex more than men do
  41. Nobody tells you that some very beautiful girls can be the soul-sucking evils
  42. Nobody tells you that society is a racist as a whole
  43. Nobody tells you that hiding pain can be very painful as an adult
  44. Nobody tells you that you will need nap every single second of your adult life
  45. Nobody tells you that spilling a beer is the adult equivalent to losing a balloon
  46. Nobody tells you that your every fine day would be ruined by responsibilities Nobody tells you that being an adult would be the dumbest thing you would have done with you
source : Personal experiences, Internet and Quora