What are the top rules of your life?

  • No debt - It's better to be penniless than in debt. Only borrow money for emergency situations. Never borrow money to buy the latest gadget. And always make sure you can pay it back.
  • Eat healthy and work out. - We can't back up our brains in another body (yet). Which means that my current body is the only one I have, so taking care of it is of paramount importance.
  • Never do something illegal - Laws are there for a reason. Respect them.
  • Spend quality time alone - Allows for self-reflection and it helps align your thoughts with your life visions and goals.
  • Prioritize financial security, then experiences - By all means, do chase experiences. Travel a lot. Explore new things. But never go broke doing so. Don't empty your bank account just to travel to Paris and post a photo on Instagram.
  • Always give back, and never be afraid to ask for help - Individualism sucks. We got here because we all worked as a team to accomplish great things. Help those who can't help themselves. And ask for help when you need it.
  • You'll die, and that's okay - You're not that important. That's the best thing you can realize about yourself. Life is short so focus on being the best version of yourself.
  • Making other people smile is the best gift you can give - Be funny. Be friendly. If you're smart, share facts in a warm manner. Don't be a callous know-it-all. Don't pretend you're special. You're just an unimportant speckle of dust in an enormous universe, and that's okay. Accept it and laugh.