What can I buy right now to improve my life?

$40 advice that drastically improves your life.

I bought this set of books (26 volumes) by Emile Zola in 2016 for 40 dollars (on a Russian analog of CraigsList). I read ALL these books and here is how the impacted my life.
Zola's Les Rougon-Macquart is a masterpiece of literature.
This is an analysis of three generations of the same family during the booming economy in France (1852-1870).
These books are a cross-section of the community. I could see how millionaires accumulated their wealth, how traditional trade was removed with first in the world shopping mall.

I can see which kind of people fit the new rules, and who left out.
I can analyze community from a top to down. From the top minister to a hungry worker.
Zola shows how bubbles in economy grow and how do they burst.
You can see how circumstances impact our lives and how to overcome these circumstances.

In a nutshell: things have not changed since that time. Decoration change, but the nature of people and how do they make decisions still the same.