
How can I exit from the rat race and live a life of purpose?

As the old saying goes, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat”. It sounds to me like you’ve made a few false assumptions about purpose and the rat race so instead of offering you an “escape plan”, I’m going to share a few alternatives that could be helpful. 1. Realize that Money And Purpose Aren’t Always Related One of the most erroneous assumptions that people make is to assume that the way in which they acquire money and their purpose have to be one in the same… They aren’t. I know plenty of people who work an easy 9–5 to pay the bills, live a simple and frugal life, and then devote all of their free time to pursuing what they consider to be their purpose. For some of them, it’s raising well adjusted kids, for others it’s physical competition, or creating great art, or simply working on themselves and expanding their personal development. Your purpose and your job don’t have to be one in the same. They can be, and things tend to be better this wa...

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